A simple steps to publish your webpage using a GitHub account.

Aditi Munda
3 min readDec 3, 2021


Upload a webpage for free cost…

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. -GitHub

First things first, what all things you required:

  1. A GitHub account.
  2. Download GitHub Desktop app

that’s it!

Lets Begin!

Sign in into your GitHub account

Creating a repository:
A Repository or Repo is a folder that contains all the project files and the history of the revisions made of each file.

New Repository

As you logged in, on your home page upper left corner select the New icon for new repository, or in the upper-right corner of any page, use the +sign/drop-down menu, and select New repository.

Create a new repository

Type a short, name for your repository. For example, “Demo”.

Write a short description if you wish to in the Description box-like My webpage/ My first repository.

Choose Public for repository visibility or Private and then click Create repository.

Setup page

Your repository has been created and this is what it looks.

Now open your GitHub Desktop app which you have installed. As you open the app you will see in the upper-left corner there is a Current repository drop-down menu, click on it.

Select Add and then select Clone repository, in that Clone repository GitHub.com select Your repositories. In my case, I have chosen aditimunda/Demo.

After selecting Your repositories copy the link provided on the Local path.

GitHub Desktop app.

Now open This PC or My Computer, paste the link in the place shown in the image.

Now, open the folder that contains the index file, copy all the files and paste it into the folder which you have opened now.

Go back to your GitHub Desktop app select Demo, after selecting all the files will be visible to you.

Type “initial commit”

Type “initial commit” in the Summary and then click on Commit to main.

And then click on Publish branch.

Go to the GitHub webpage, refresh the page, in your repository’s list all files will be visible.

Repository’s list

Click on settings than in pages (GitHub Pages), Source select main from the default drop-down menu and save.

Publish Link

A message Your site is published at the given link will be your website.

Wait for a few minutes if the given link does not work, it takes time for processing.


Congratulations your webpage is hosted on the internet.

Good luck to all, and if you found the article helpful, plz share with your friends and colleagues. Thankyou \^_^/



Aditi Munda
Aditi Munda

Written by Aditi Munda

I respect my work and I am passionate about finding answers. \^_^/

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